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Khmer to English
អណ្ដើក (n) chip of wood from the outer part of a tree / log

(n) generic name for certain, usually hard-shelled, turtles (including members of the genera Testudo, Emys, Geoemyda, Cyclemis, and Pyxidia and poss. the soft-shelled genus Trionyx)

(n) kind of stomach disease

(n) spleen

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝk/

កូនអណ្ដើក stout wooden post placed near the end of an oxcart shaft to which the yoke is attached

IPA: /koonʔɑndaǝk/ stems: អណ្ដើក កូន

ស្នូកអណ្ដើក turtle shell.

IPA: /snookʔɑndaǝk/ stems: ស្នូក អណ្ដើក

បកអណ្ដើក to trim off excess wood

IPA: /bɑɑkʔɑndaǝk/ stems: អណ្ដើក បក

មេអណ្ដើក matchmaker (esp. someone who arranges a clandestine or secretive liaison between a girl and boy); procurer; pimp.

mediator / facilitator in negotiations

procuress; pimp, matchmaker

IPA: /meeʔɑndaǝk/ stems: អណ្ដើក មេ

អណ្ដើកមាស certain small insects (Phyllotreta, Raphidobalpa, and Epilachna species) that feed on vegetable plants

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝkmieh/ stems: មាស អណ្ដើក

មាត់អណ្ដើក to get nothing for one's pains; to be meaningless (of speech)

IPA: /moatʔɑndaǝk/ stems: អណ្ដើក មាត់

អណ្ដើកផ្ដៅ kind of black turtle, larger than អណ្ដើកស្រែ

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝkpdav/ stems: អណ្ដើក ផ្ដៅ

អណ្ដើកស្រែ kind of small turtle

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝksrae/ stems: ស្រែ អណ្ដើក

ក្រចកអណ្ដើក kind of banana

kind of plant (it sprouts after the first spring rains and is eaten as a vegetable)

kind of shrub with edible fruit (poss. Pantadenia adenanthera)

IPA: /krɑcɑɑkʔɑndaǝk/ stems: អណ្ដើក ក្រចក

ថ្លើមអណ្ដើក kind of shrub; kind of rock, black basalt; jet

IPA: /tlaəmʔɑndaǝk/ stems: ថ្លើម អណ្ដើក

ម្ដាយអណ្ដើក mother who abandons her children (comparing a woman to a female turtle which lays its eggs and then leaves them)

IPA: /mdaayʔɑndaǝk/ stems: ម្ដាយ អណ្ដើក

អណ្ដើកក្អែក kind of turtle, larger than អណ្ដើកស្រែ

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝkkʔaek/ stems: ក្អែក អណ្ដើក

អណ្ដើកព្រេច kind of small flat turtle

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝkprɨc/ stems: អណ្ដើក ព្រេច

អាចម៍អណ្ដើក kind of black mildew found on tree leaves, mats, cloth, etc.

IPA: /ʔacʔɑndaǝk/ stems: អាចម៍ អណ្ដើក

កន្ទុយអណ្ដើក a piece of hair that grows in a point at the nape of the neck

IPA: /kɑntuyʔɑndaǝk/ stems: កន្ទុយ អណ្ដើក

អណ្ដើកក្រមួន soft-shelled turtle (poss. of the genus Trionyx)

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝkkrɑmuən/ stems: ក្រមួន អណ្ដើក

អណ្ដើកបិទមុខ kind of turtle

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝkbet~bətmuk/ stems: បិទមុខ អណ្ដើក

អណ្ដើកសង្កល់ kind of large grey / dark green turtle of the family Emydidae

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝksɑŋkɑl/ stems: សង្កល់ អណ្ដើក

អណ្ដើកក្បិតមុខ SYNONYM: អណ្ដើកបិទមុខ

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝkkbətmuk/ stems: ក្បិត អណ្ដើក មុខ

អណ្ដើកភូមថ្យូង kind of yellowish turtle

IPA: /ʔɑndaǝk------/ stems: អណ្ដើក

រហេមរហាមដូចអណ្ដើកចូលភ្លើង to be very miserable

IPA: /rɔheɛm-rɔhaamdoocʔɑndaǝkcoolpləəŋ/ stems: ភ្លើង រហេមរហាម ដូច អណ្ដើក ចូល