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English to Khmer
eat (noun) ម្ហូប អាហារ

(verb) (of monks) ឆាន

(verb) (royal) សោយ

(verb) (colloquial) ញ៉ាំ

(verb) (កាព្យនិទាន) ឆី

(verb) (polite) (transitive) (of others) ពិសា

(verb) (PEJORATIVE) (transitive) (of animals) ស៊ី

(verb) (formal) (transitive) បរិភោគ

(verb) (ជនបទ) (transitive) ហូប, អាស្រ័យ

(verb) (vulgar) (transitive) ច្រាសច្រំ, បញ្ចុះកំពង់, បុស, កណ្ដាល

(verb) (DIALECTAL) (transitive) ទរ (សៀមរាប) 1

(formal) (transitive) ហូប

(polite) (transitive) (of oneself) ទទួយទាន

(acids) eat (metal) ស៊ី

(to destroy or use up) លេបអស់, ស្រូប

បង្ហិស (ច្រេះចាប់)

(transitive) ~ (up) ~ something (up) (to take food into the mouth and swallow it for nourishment, to chew and swallow, to have a meal, to consume or ravage (away or up), to corrode, to make by eating, to eat food) ទំពាហើយលេប
Khmer to English
ស៊ី (v) to eat, consume (food or fuel); to guzzle, devour; to corrode (as rust or an acid) (used for animals feeding; with humans it is intimate in urban centers but may be used more generally in rural areas. The following words which translate as `to eat' in English are used in Cambodian: ច្រាស, ច្រាសច្រំ, បុះ, បុះច្រាស, សុល, អំពះ are all vulgar terms conveying the idea of cramming food into the mouth; ឆាន់ is used for Buddhist monks; ញ៉ាំ is a polite term used for the speaker and for persons younger than or the same age as the speaker; ទទួលទាន is respectful; ទទួលព្រះរាជទាន is used by the king referring to himself; បរិភោគ is used to refer to persons of lower rank than the speaker or by persons of lower rank referring to themselves; ពិសា is a polite form used for persons of equal or higher rank; ពិសាក្រយា is used for high officials; ស៊ី is a common neutral or intimate term used especially of animals; សោយ is used of royalty; ហូប is a common rural term; it is used for persons of the same age or rank and is somewhat more polite than ស៊ី not used for animals; ហូប was the favored term by the KR; អាស្រ័យ is used of lower ranking or younger persons; more polite than បរិភោគ )

IPA: /sii/

ដាក់ (v) to eat, drink

IPA: /dak/

ទទួលទាន to consume, eat, drink, smoke; to accept a gift ; to drink (water) ; to enjoy someone's favor.

IPA: /tɔtuəltienɔɔ/ stems: ទទួល ទា ន

បាយ (v) to eat

IPA: /baay/

ញ៉ាំ (v) to eat, drink, consume (informal, of oneself, addressing children or close friends but not elders).

IPA: /ɲam/

អាស្រ័យ (v) to eat; to drink

IPA: /ʔaasray/

ហូប (v) to eat (formerly more common in rural areas; preferred form used by the Khmer Rouge)

IPA: /hoop/

បូម (v) to eat (a lot)

IPA: /boom/

បរិភោគ (v) to consume, use up; eat, have a meal.

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰook/

សេព (v) to consume, eat, drink; to partake of, indulge in, give oneself over to, be addicted to

IPA: /saep/

ពិសា (v) to eat / drink (form used when speaking to / of others)

IPA: /piʔsaa~piisaa/

រាន (v) to eat constantly; to eat indiscriminately

IPA: /rien/

ផឹកស៊ី to have a banquet, eat and drink SYNONYM: ស៊ីផឹក

IPA: /pʰək~pʰɑksii/ stems: ស៊ី ផឹក

ហូបចុក to eat

IPA: /hoopcok/ stems: ហូប ចុក

សោយ (v) to eat, drink, smoke; to enjoy, partake of, experience; to possess, rule

IPA: /saoy/

ច្រាស (v) to eat

IPA: /craah/

ទរ (v) to eat, bolt (one's food) (4) tɔɔ, tuər

IPA: /tɔɔ/

ត្របាក់ (v) to bite / snap (of animals); to wolf down / eat greedily (of animals; if used of humans it is insulting)

IPA: /trɑbak/

ញញើត (v) to hesitate; to feel repulsed / disgusted (e.g. upon seeing someone eat rotten food); to fear, respect, stand in awe of.

IPA: /ɲɔɲəət/

ក្លែម (v) to have a little something to eat with a drink, have a snack.

IPA: /klaem/

ភោជនីយ (adj) to be edible, good to eat.

(n) anything that is edible / good to eat

IPA: /pʰouceaʔnii,pʰouceaʔniiyeaʔ/

ឆាន់ (v) to eat / drink / consume

IPA: /cʰan/

បរិភោគអាហារ to eat.

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰookʔaahaa/ stems: បរិភោគ អាហារ

បួង (v) to make a knot / bun (of the hair), tie, lace up; to squeeze, clench (the fist), roll up (of an elephant's trunk); to seize, catch hold of; to eat greedily

IPA: /buəŋ/

អក (v) to pour something (e.g. a powder) into the mouth; to eat / drink by tipping the head back and pouring the food into the mouth, to gulp

IPA: /ʔɑɑk/

ញ៉ាំបាយ to eat rice, to eat food or a meal (neutral form for younger persons and persons of the same age).

IPA: /ɲambaay/ stems: បាយ ញ៉ាំ

ហូបបាយ to eat, have a meal

IPA: /hoopbaay/ stems: បាយ ហូប

ឆី (v) to consume, eat

IPA: /cʰəy/

អត់បាយ to go hungry, have nothing to eat, starve

IPA: /ʔɑtbaay/ stems: បាយ អត់

ស៊ីសាច់ to eat meat

IPA: /siisac/ stems: សាច់ ស៊ី

ស្រស់ស្រូប to eat (esp. breakfast) ; to have a snack, eat a light meal

IPA: /srɑhsroop/ stems: ស្រស់ ស្រូប

ស៊ីផឹក to eat and drink, have a good time

IPA: /siipʰək~pʰɑk/ stems: ស៊ី ផឹក

លាងមាត់ to eat for pleasure

IPA: /lieŋmoat/ stems: មាត់ លាង

អកអំបុក to eat អំបុក by the mouthful.

IPA: /ʔɑɑkʔɑmbok/ stems: អក អំបុក

ដាច់ពោះ to have nothing to eat; to be unable to eat anything

IPA: /dacpʊəh/ stems: ដាច់ ពោះ

បរិភោគបាយ to eat rice, to eat food or a meal (literary form).

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰookbaay/ stems: បរិភោគ បាយ

សុល (v) to eat

IPA: /sol/

បែកសា to cut the bladder (of an animal during butchering thus rendering the meat unfit to eat)

IPA: /baeksaa/ stems: សា បែក

ស៊ីបាយ to eat rice, to eat food or a meal (less polite form than ញ៉ាំបាយ).

IPA: /siibaay/ stems: ស៊ី បាយ

កាត់ស៊ី to eat by chewing or gnawing (of rats, insects etc.)

IPA: /katsii/ stems: កាត់ ស៊ី

ខ្លូត (adj) to be immature (ripe enough to eat but not fully developed; of squash, melon, cucumbers, and gourds)

IPA: /kloot/

ស៊ីធំ to spend a lot of money; to eat well / luxuriously

IPA: /siitʰom/ stems: ធំ ស៊ី

រលុះ (v) to wear through, erode, corrode, eat away

IPA: /rɔluh/

គាបស៊ី to eat by holding with the claws.

IPA: /kiepsii/ stems: គាប ស៊ី

សេពសោយ to partake / eat and drink (referring to spirits partaking of offerings of food and drink)

IPA: /saepsaoy/ stems: សេព សោយ

ខុសមាត់ to eat food which is forbidden or to which one is allergic.

IPA: /kʰohmoat/ stems: ខុស មាត់

មាត់ទទេ to have an empty mouth (i.e. not to have anything to eat)

IPA: /moattɔtee/ stems: ទទេ មាត់

ចាក់ច្រាស to overeat, eat until one is nauseated

IPA: /cakcraah/ stems: ច្រាស ចាក់

ទទួលទានបាយ to eat (rice) (speaking of oneself)

IPA: /tɔtuəltienɔɔbaay/ stems: បាយ ទទួលទាន

ញ៉ាំបាយ to eat rice.

ទស់ (v) to eat

IPA: /tʊəh/

បុះ (v) to eat / guzzle / gorge oneself (4) (of land) adj to be worn out, abandoned, fallow

IPA: /boh/

យឹត (v) to do something to extremes, overindulge in something; to eat greedily

IPA: /yɨt/

ចុបៗ (v) to eat a little bit

IPA: /cop-cop/

ញ៉ាំ (p) to eat, to consume (addressing children or close friends but not elders).

IPA: /ɲam/

ឃ្មមៗ (adv) with the mouth full (used only with ស៊ី `to eat' and ទំពា `to chew')

IPA: /kmɔɔm-kmɔɔm/

ឈ្លេម (v) to find food tasteless (as someone who is ill or recovering from an illness), have a bland taste in the mouth (and want to eat something to get rid of that taste)

IPA: /cleim/

ទរបាយ to eat rice

IPA: /tɔɔbaay/ stems: បាយ ទរ

បាយខែ to eat out regularly at a restaurant (where one is charged by the month) or at someone's house

IPA: /baaykʰae/ stems: បាយ ខែ

វិកាល (n) wrong / inappropriate time (e.g. according to Buddhist regulations, anytime from midday to the next daybreak is considered the wrong time for the monks to eat anything)

IPA: /viʔkaal/

ឧបោសថ (n) the Eight Precepts (or shilas) for Buddhist lay disciples and monks (1. not to kill; 2. not to steal; 3. not to commit adultery; 4. not to tell lies; 5. not to drink intoxicants; 6. not to eat at the wrong time; 7. to avoid worldly amusements; 8. not to use unguents or ornaments).

IPA: /ʔuʔpaosaʔtʰaʔ~ʔuʔbaosɑt~ʔuʔbaosot/

ឃ្មាមៗ (adv) (to chew or eat) with the mouth full

IPA: /kmiem-kmiem/

ចឹកស៊ី to eat by picking up with the beak (of birds)

IPA: /cəksii/ stems: ស៊ី ចឹក

ចំណីតម food that one should not eat, tabu food

IPA: /cɑmnəytɑɑm/ stems: ចំណី តម

បញ្ញែម (v) "to eat to show off (saying ""naem naem;"" of children); to make someone hungry by eating something good in front of him / her; to make someone's mouth water"

IPA: /bɑɲɲaem/

បែកបាយ to eat in different kitchens (esp. of children who marry and move away from the parents' home)

IPA: /baekbaay/ stems: បែក បាយ

ពង្រីង to eat someone out of house and home

IPA: /pʊəŋriiŋ/

ភោក្តា (v) to have eaten, having eaten, be eating, will eat

IPA: /pʰoukdaa/

យឹតបាយ to eat greedily, guzzle

IPA: /yɨtbaay/ stems: យឹត បាយ

ស៊ីចុក to chew betel and tobacco; to eat; to make a living

IPA: /siicok/ stems: ស៊ី ចុក

ស៊ីតូច to spend stingily; to eat frugally

IPA: /siitooc~colloquialtuuc/ stems: ស៊ី តូច

ស៊ីបួស to eat the same diet as a Buddhist monk; to be a vegetarian; to fast

IPA: /siibuəh/ stems: ស៊ី បួស

ស៊ីម៉ៅ to eat everything; to accuse everyone

IPA: /siimav/ stems: ម៉ៅ ស៊ី

ស៊ីលេង to eat a snack

IPA: /siileeŋ/ stems: លេង ស៊ី

ស៊ីលោភ to eat greedily, gobble up

IPA: /siiloop/ stems: ស៊ី លោភ

ហោជាក់ to be good to eat, delicious; to be easy to use; to be possible

IPA: /haoceak/ stems: ជាក់ ហោ

ស៊ីផែះ! (colloquial expression equivalent to 'you get nothing to eat!') SYNONYM: ស៊ីតែផែះ!

IPA: /sii------/ stems: ផែះ! ស៊ី

ឆាន់បាយ to eat rice, to eat food or a meal (of Buddhist monks).

IPA: /cʰanbaay/ stems: បាយ ឆាន់

ប្លមស៊ី to have something to eat at someone else's expense

IPA: /plɑɑmsii/ stems: ស៊ី ប្លម

ពីសាបាយ to eat rice, to eat food or a meal (formal polite form especially used in reference to older persons).

IPA: /------baay/ stems: បាយ ពីសា

ស៊ីដល់ក to eat one's fill

IPA: /siidɑlkɑɑ/ stems: ដល់ក ស៊ី

ស៊ីកាត់(មុខ) (in business) to eat into another store's profits; to gain an advantage over; (in cards) to play a high card that one knows will win the trick

ខុសមាត់(ខុសក) to eat food which is forbidden / to which one is allergic; not to like the taste of something

ដំឡូងយារ kind of non-edible tuber; potato that has been left in the ground too long and is not fit to eat

IPA: /dɑmlooŋyie/ stems: ដំឡូង យារ

បំពង់កឈរ to be able to eat anything

IPA: /bɑmpʊəŋkɑɑcʰɔɔ/ stems: ឈរ បំពង់ក

មាត់ឆ្កែ insulting term comparing someone to a dog that will eat anything (esp. of people who gossip and spread rumors)

IPA: /moatckae/ stems: មាត់ ឆ្កែ

រពឹសមាត់ to be talkative, have a big mouth, chatter incessantly; to eat constantly

IPA: /rɔpɨhmoat/ stems: រពឹស មាត់

លេបអាភៀន to swallow or eat the residue of opium.

IPA: /leepʔaapʰiən/ stems: អាភៀន លេប

សោយក្រយា to eat

IPA: /saoykrɑyaa/ stems: ក្រយា សោយ

ស៊ីខ្មុក to eat everything

IPA: /siikmok/ stems: ស៊ី ខ្មុក

ស៊ីផ្អែម to eat sweet desserts.

IPA: /siipʔaem/ stems: ស៊ី ផ្អែម

ស៊ីសំណែន to eat food after it has been offered to the spirits; to receive a bribe

IPA: /siisɑmnaen/ stems: ស៊ី សំណែន

ស៊ីហ្មត់ to eat everything; to win everything (in the game called បាយខុំ )

IPA: /siimat/ stems: ស៊ី ហ្មត់

អាមកភោជី person who likes to eat raw food; wild animal(s).

IPA: /ʔaameaʔkaʔpʰoocii/ stems: ភោ អាមក ជី

ឥណបរិភោគ food considered as a debt; (for Buddhist monks) failing to reflect about what one is about to eat

IPA: /ʔiʔnaʔbɑɑreʔpʰook/ stems: បរិភោគ ឥណ

ច្រាសច្រំ to eat

IPA: /craahcram/ stems: ច្រំ ច្រាស

ទំនេរមាត់ not to have anything to say / eat

IPA: /tumneemoat/ stems: ទំនេរ មាត់

បំពង់កដេក to be unable to eat (of old people or people who are gravely ill)

IPA: /bɑmpʊəŋkɑɑdeɛk/ stems: បំពង់ក ដេក

ផ្អែមមាត់ to taste delicious, be delicious, pleasant; something sweet to eat

IPA: /pʔaemmoat/ stems: ផ្អែម មាត់

ពាក្យទំយើ pet name, affectionate / intimate word (e.g. គេង, អ៊េង 'to sleep' instead of ដេក; ម៉ឹម, ញ៉ាំ 'to eat' instead of ស៊ី )

IPA: /piektumyəə/ stems: ពាក្យ ទំយើ

សំលៀងមាត់ to be ready to (to do some activity with the mouth, e.g. speak, criticize, eat), to be ready to say something / speak

IPA: /sɑmliǝŋmoat/ stems: មាត់ សំលៀង

ស៊ីគ្នាវា to eat each other, eat one's own kind.

IPA: /siiknievie/ stems: ស៊ី គ្នាវា

ស៊ីបោសលាន to eat everything

IPA: /siibaohlien/ stems: ស៊ី បោសលាន

អកុសលធាតុ food which is sinful to eat.

IPA: /ʔaʔkoʔsɑltʰiet/ stems: អកុសល ធាតុ

ច្រាសច្រំ(បាយ) to gorge, guzzle, gobble up, eat up

បញ្ចុះជ្រំ to eat ; to mix many things together

IPA: /bɑɲcohcrum/ stems: បញ្ចុះ ជ្រំ

ស៊ីរវះរវាម to eat constantly (like a pig).

IPA: /siirɔveah-rɔviem/ stems: រវះរវាម ស៊ី

អាស្រ័យបាយ to eat

IPA: /ʔaasraybaay/ stems: អាស្រ័យ បាយ

តឹងពោះច្រអរ to eat one's fill

IPA: /təŋpʊəhcrɑʔɑɑ/ stems: ពោះ តឹង ច្រអរ

បញ្ចុះកំពង់ to eat

IPA: /bɑɲcohkɑmpʊəŋ/ stems: កំពង់ បញ្ចុះ

បរិភោគសំរន់ to eat a small quantity (of food) to assuage hunger

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰook------/ stems: សំរន់ បរិភោគ

បរិភោគសំរៀម to eat bit by bit.

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰooksɑmriǝm/ stems: សំរៀម បរិភោគ

បំពងញ៉ាំលេង to fry something to eat as a snack

IPA: /bɑmpɔɔŋɲamleeŋ/ stems: បំពង លេង ញ៉ាំ

លេងឲ្យពេញដៃ to do or to make something with all one's strength. (When referring to a meal, it means to eat until the stomach is full).

IPA: /leeŋʔaoy------------/ stems: ពេញ ដៃ លេង ឲ្យ

លេងឲ្យអស់ដៃ to do / make something to the best of one's ability (when referring to a meal, it means to eat until the stomach is full)

IPA: /leeŋʔaoyʔɑhday/ stems: ឲ្យអស់ដៃ លេង

សន្ធឹកសន្ធៃ to be sad, mournful; depressed, dejected; very worried (to such an extent that one cannot eat or sleep); to be exhausted, very tired; in an extremely worried / dejected manner

IPA: /sɑntʰɨksɑntʰey/ stems: សន្ធៃ សន្ធឹក

អកប្បិយមំសៈ meats which monks are forbidden to eat (e.g. snake, tiger, elephant)

IPA: /------meaŋsaʔ/ stems: អកប្បិយ មំសៈ

បរិភោគសម្រន់ to eat a small quantity to prevent the stomach from being empty.

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰooksɑmrɑn/ stems: សម្រន់ បរិភោគ

បរិភោគសាយមាស to eat supper.

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰooksaaymieh/ stems: បរិភោគ សាយមាស

បានស៊ីបានចុក to get to eat.

IPA: /baanɔɔsiibaanɔɔcok/ stems: ស៊ី បាន ចុក

មានស៊ីមានចុក to have enough to eat

IPA: /miensiimiencok/ stems: មាន ស៊ី ចុក

សោយព្រះស្ងោយ to eat

IPA: /saoypreahsŋaoy/ stems: សោយ ព្រះស្ងោយ

ស៊ីទ្រាប់ពោះ to eat a light snack

IPA: /siitroappʊəh/ stems: ទ្រាប់ ស៊ី ពោះ

ដាក់មួយសំរាស់ to eat one's fill

IPA: /dakmuəyɔɔ------/ stems: ដាក់ សំរាស់ មួយ

ទ្រាប់បាតសាលា to eat a little bit to assuage hunger

IPA: /troapbaatsaalaa/ stems: ទ្រាប់ បាត សាលា

ធ្វើភត្តកិច្ច to eat.

IPA: /tvəəpʰoatkəc/ stems: ធ្វើ ភត្តកិច្ច

និមន្តលោកឆាន់ to invite monks to eat

IPA: /niʔmʊən~mʊənlook~lookaʔcʰan/ stems: ឆាន់ លោក និមន្ត

ស៊ីផ្ដេសផ្ដាស to eat whatever is available

IPA: /siipdeɛh-pdaah/ stems: ស៊ី ផ្ដេសផ្ដាស

ស៊ីរញ៉ិបរញ៉ុប to eat quickly anything that is at hand

IPA: /siirɔɲəp-rɔɲop/ stems: ស៊ី រញ៉ិបរញ៉ុប

ស៊ីឲ្យពេញរបុង to eat very much and without reservation.

IPA: /siiʔaoypɨɲrɔboŋ/ stems: ឲ្យ ពេញ របុង ស៊ី

ជិបមើលអោយដិងរស to eat a small quantity (of food) in order to taste it.

IPA: /cɨpməəl------dəŋrʊəh/ stems: ជិប មើល អោយ រស

បរិភោគមិនគ្រប់ to be malnourished, not have enough to eat

IPA: /bɑɑreʔpʰookmɨnkrup/ stems: គ្រប់ បរិភោគ មិន

ទទួលទានភោជនាហារ to eat

IPA: /tɔtuəltienɔɔpʰooceaʔniehaa/ stems: ភោជនាហារ ទទួលទាន

ស៊ីមួយម៉ាត់មួយក to eat a little.

IPA: /siimuəyɔɔmat------/ stems: មួយម៉ាត់មួយក ស៊ី

ចង់ពិសាឲ្យរកអន្លក់ ចង់ស្រណុកឲ្យនឿយ If you wish to eat (well); look for fresh vegetables; if you wish an easy life, (you must) work hard.

គ្មានប្រហុកគ្មានអំបិល to be very poor, to have absolutely nothing to eat

IPA: /kmienprɑhokkmienʔɑmbǝl/ stems: អំបិល ប្រហុក គ្មាន

ស៊ីសាច់គោអាំងក្លែមស្រា to eat grilled beef while drinking wine.

IPA: /siisackooʔaŋklaemsraa/ stems: សាច់គោ ស្រា ស៊ី ក្លែម អាំង

សាច់មិនបានស៊ីយកឆ្អឹងព្យួរក not to get what one expected from a scheme or endeavor. ( 'unable to eat the meat and having the bones hanging around the neck.')

IPA: /sacmɨnbaanɔɔsiiyɔɔkɑɑcʔəŋpyuəkɑɑ/ stems: ឆ្អឹង ព្យួរក យក ស៊ី មិនបាន សាច់